The Eternal Hunt
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Fus Ro Dah - Kulaan Lokthur

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Fus Ro Dah - Kulaan Lokthur Empty Fus Ro Dah - Kulaan Lokthur

Post by Not a Lizarddo Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:55 am

"Now I'll erase these traces of pain
With this power you gave me"

If I Were a Bird
The King of Skies
Revenge and Justice

Fus Ro Dah - Kulaan Lokthur Rog8n23

Kulaan is about average human height, around six feet tall. From head to tail is a fair bit longer and his wingspan is a bit longer than he is tall as well. That said his wings, while healed now, are ragged from burns that rendered him flightless years ago. Bears the Mandate's symbol, a large upward arrow branded onto his back.

Name: Kulaan Lokthur
Age: 20
Allegiance: Mandate of Judgment

Deck Theme: "Sign of Earth, Herald of Heaven" - Heraldic Beasts, a series of strange monsters that represent noble authority. They tend to banish themselves in the graveyard for additional effects and seek to bring out Rank 4 Xyz monsters. Within them is contained secrets to all sorts of other monsters, hence the variety of things they can combine to make.

Partner: "Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage"

Ability: "Jun Vokrii" - Once per turn you can send one monster from your deck to the graveyard. If no card in your graveyard has the same name as the sent card, draw a card. If a "Heraldic" or "Heraldry" Xyz monster exists in your graveyard you can pay 1500 lifepoints to Xyz Summon that monster using appropriate banished monsters that were originally sent to the graveyard by this ability as materials.

Bond Ability: "Vokun Dur" - While "Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage" is in an Extra Monster Zone, face up monsters your opponent controls are also treated as Xyz monsters. If it is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard and there are three or more banished "Heraldic Beast" monsters, you can banish it and the monster that destroyed it and each player takes damage equal to half the ATK of the monster they controlled.

Personality: Despite appearances, Kulaan is usually collected, even a bit reserved at times. He'll gladly joke around with friends and is very physical in showing affection, but on his own he sticks to his thoughts. Along with this is a passion for reading and the dragon-boy can often be found pouring over books on all sorts of  topics. Interrupting him while he's reading usually doesn't do any harm but if he's really invested it might get him worked up.

All this said, there are some things that can set off the young man without warning. He's very sensitive to insults about himself or particular traits of his body. This near paranoia has him scanning conversations and often taking things out of context or mishearing. He'll get steamed a bit but nothing lasting usually. But sometimes something seems to strike a bit deeper and he'll pull away more than usual. If it goes on long enough he'll become incredibly irritable and lash out at people, even friends. Eventually this gives way to lots of soft crying and apologizing to people he may have hurt or offended.

When you get down to it, there is something of ego to the man. He knows who he is or ought to be rather and isn't ashamed to speak of it. It's not particularly hard to bruise it given how his life's gone but that pride that he derives from his existence is important to him. Yet it always seems accompanied by a frustration and anger that he'll rarely put words to. This is true of a lot of negative emotions. Most things get bottled up, to be handled later likely while reading something.

Kulaan's approach to battle can get oddly primal at times despite his usually calculating methods. If the plan can't get laid fast enough he'll just brute force it to mixed results. He's fairly adaptive to compensate but it would still be better to be rid of the general impatience with long drawn out plans. That said, he does have a long drawn out plan of his own he's been taking steps toward for years now which seems to be the only thing he has the energy to spend his patience on.

Despite rarely showing it, the young man is actually very emotionally dependent on others. And so he's quick to defend those he's bonded with, going so far as starting fights he shouldn't have over an insult to his leader or a comrade. Analyzing it later he'd know he was wrong to do it but he can't help himself in the heat of the moment.

Backstory: The story Kulaan tells of his life is that of the son of a noble. And though his father held this privilege his mother did not, which led to his parents separating while he was still very young. There was little need to raise an illegitimate heir after all. And so the boy lived with his mother, making a meager living together. Each were all the other had and yet it was still a fond time in Kulaan's memory.

As his tale goes, as a young preteen the two were taken in by a well to do family in exchange for working as basically servants. It wasn't something the boy was happy to do but he did it. He still had his mother and that was what counted. And yet not many years later the boy's heritage was discovered and the family turned on them. Men were sent after the two and they in turn ran. It wasn't long before they were captured. With the assailants was a witch, who cursed him to take on the dragonic form he bears today. But before they could enact all their designs his mother intervened, allowing him a chance for escape but dying in the process.

Kulaan did nothing but run for as long as he could. He'd been hurt with fire magic on his way out, leaving his now wings singed and no good for flying, not that he'd have known how to do that. After enough running he was far away from any town, with little sign of his pursuers on his now literal tail. Some months passed with him barely surviving on his own in the wilderness.

This was when he stumbled into an encampment for the Mandate. Given his appearance they were naturally ready to fight. Tired as he was the boy had to desperately attempt to explain who he was and what had happened. He showed no signs of wanting to fight and was taken to the group's leader Mon for judgment. Mercy was shown and he was taken in by the group. His first real meal in ages was well appreciated.

And there Kulaan's been for the six years since. The group now viewed as a family and Mon as the closest thing he's ever had to a father. He's come to live their life, to help vanquish evil. He's begun using the power he was hunted for. The Heraldic Beasts that do his bidding hold a deep secret to them. One the young-man-turned-dragon wishes deeply to understand. And through it all he's climbed the ranks of the group, becoming one of the leader's most trusted men.

So this is what he will offer when asked about his past. Yet this is only a half-truth. Many of the details are correctly in place but lack full context. And at the core of it all is one big lie. A lie few know about. And with it a strong desire for revenge for those who hurt him, those who took his mother, and most of all his father who abandoned them to that life in the first place. But these details only Mon knows. It took time, building trust between the two for Kulaan to open up about his real motives and the truth of everything in full.

Maybe he'll tell someone else the full story some day.

Last edited by Doggo on Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:49 am; edited 2 times in total
Not a Lizarddo
Not a Lizarddo

Posts : 39
Join date : 2019-09-13

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Fus Ro Dah - Kulaan Lokthur Empty Re: Fus Ro Dah - Kulaan Lokthur

Post by Not a Lizarddo Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:57 am

Sign of Earth, Herald of Heaven

Main Deck
Effect Monsters
Chain Dog x2
Estrangement Dragon x2
Flame Tiger x2
Heraldic Beast Aberconway x3
Heraldic Beast Amphisbaena x2
Heraldic Beast Basilisk x2
Heraldic Beast Berners Falcon x2
Heraldic Beast Eale x2
Heraldic Beast Leo x2
Heraldic Beast Twin-Head Eagle x2
Heraldic Beast Unicorn x2
Summoner Monk

Advanced Heraldry Art
Augmented Heraldry
Burial from a Different Dimension
Heraldry Blast
Heraldry Curse
Heraldry Reborn
Pot of Avarice
Pot of Duality
Supply Squad
Xyz Shift

Call of the Haunted
Dragonstorm Return
Heraldry Catastrophe
Heraldry Change
Heraldry Protection
Heraldry Record
Pinpoint Guard
Waking the Dragon
Xyz Reborn

Extra Deck
Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Diamond Dire Wolf
Ice Beast Zerofyne
Kachi Kochi Dragon
Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch
Number 52: Diamond Crab King
Number 69: Heraldry Crest
Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage
Tornado Dragon

Development Cards
*Number 53: Heart-eartH
*Number 82: Heartlandraco
*Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon
*Number C69: Heraldry Crest of Horror
*Number C92: Heart-eartH Chaos Dragon
*Rank-Up-Magic Barian's Force

*Rank-Up-Magic Quick Chaos
Not a Lizarddo
Not a Lizarddo

Posts : 39
Join date : 2019-09-13

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